Small fish, like mollies, tetras, danios, and guppies, may look tiny, but they're pretty voracious eaters. They are constantly going back and forth in the water, which gives them a certain appetite. You should feed them the best food for mollies once or twice a day, so that they have enough energy for their daily activities.
Feeding Molly Fish: Ultimate Guide On Mollies Food |
In this ultimate guide, we'll cover Molly Fish's food, diet, and eating habits. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you will get answers to all types of frequently asked questions. You will get all your answers on "How to feed molly fish?", "How often should you feed mollies?", "Which food is ideal for molly fish?" Let's start.
This is an informative article. Nodisk One is not permitted to make a diagnosis or recommend any form of veterinary care. If your pet is in pain or ill, we recommend that you take him to the vet.
Best Food Types For Mollies
As for mollies, they will eat just about anything given to them. Everything from live foods to vegetables, they will eat everything. However, you will want the best food for your mollies so that they are healthy and strong. With so many different types of food available in the market these days, it's hard to choose the best one. When choosing foods for your mollies, remember that you need a balanced diet for optimal health.
The types of fish food available for mollies are live food, freeze-dried food, pellets, and flakes. Of all these options, live foods are generally the best types of food because they are alive and fresh. For this reason, live foods will have the highest nutritional content than other types of foods. However, freeze-dried, pellets, and flakes are still great for feeding mollies and can be used as a backup feeder for your mollies.
Another great food to feed mollies is homemade fish food. Since you are making it yourself at home, you can combine different things and produce a very nutritious fish food.
Feed Live Food To Mollies
When it comes to feeding your mollies, live food is the best type of food you can give them. Some of the live foods include brine shrimp, daphnia, insect larvae, pickled eels, and bloodworms. Live foods have the highest protein and other nutrient content than other types of foods.
Feeding live food is not only good for the health of your mollies, but it also helps them stay active. By putting live food in the aquarium, the mollies will drive them away. Mollies who are active will live longer and be healthier.
When giving them live foods, put in a few at a time. If you have mollies in a community tank, make sure your mollies get their share of food. Mollies are not aggressive fish and are unlikely to compete for food. For this reason, watch carefully to make sure each molly fish has a chance to eat.
Live foods are great for feeding mollies every day. However, there are times when you cannot give them live food. During the winter months, insect larvae and daphnia will not be available for purchase. When this happens, you can feed them other types of food.
Feed Freeze Dried Food To Mollies
the next perfect food types for mollies. Are the freeze-dried and live foods. The advantage is that freeze-dried foods can be stored for a long time. This makes it a great option when live foods are unavailable, especially during colder months when live foods are scarce.
Some of the popular freeze-dried foods you can give them are brine shrimp, tubifex, and bloodworms. For mollies, these are a great source of protein.
Before giving them freeze-dried food, put them in a cup and let them soak for a few minutes first. Out of the package, freeze-dried foods will be too hard for mollies to bite into. Be sure to give them small amounts at a time, spread over several meals.
Feed Mollies Fish Pellets
Pellets are another great choice for feeding mollies. They are easy to use and can be stored for a long time. There are many types of pellets available in the market. They are available in a variety of sizes, from small to large pellets. In addition, pellets are offered with different ingredients adapted to the type of fish you have.
You ought to stick to tropical pellets for mollies. All of the components your mollies require to stay healthy are in tropical pellets. ADP Tropical Fish Food Pellets are a great choice because of their high quality ingredients and simplicity of use, and that's what I suggest.
Take care not to overfeed mollies when feeding them pellets. Mollies are known to eat as much and as many times as you feed them. Overfeeding mollies will increase their chances of constipation and other digestive issues. In addition, overfeeding will increase the fish's production of waste, which makes the water dirty.
Since mollies don't know when to stop eating, you should only feed them twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
Feed Mollies Vegetable Pellets And Tablets
Molly fish are omnivores, which means that to be healthy, they need foods high in vegetables. You can give them whole vegetables or an easier way is to give them vegetable pellets or tablets.
The vegetable pellets and tablets contain plankton, spirulina and green algae, which are essential green vegetables, perfect for your fish. In addition, they also have a high content of vitamins and minerals. Combining all of these great nutritional contents, veggie pellets make great healthy snacks for your mollies.
There are many different vegetable pellets and tablets on the market, but what I recommend is Omega One Super Color Veggie Kelp. This lozenge contains spirulina as an ingredient, which is an added benefit for your mollies. Spirulina is known to give your fish beautiful colors and protect the fins, tail and skin from infections.
Fish Flakes For Mollies
As for the flakes, this is the most popular option for the owner of a home aquarium. This is due to their ease of use and can feed a variety of different fish at the same time. There are many types of flakes available in the market. Most are made with high quality ingredients and provide all the nutrients your molly needs. However, other fish flakes are of poor quality and very low in nutrients. When buying flakes, be sure to read the label for a complete list of ingredients so you know you are buying high quality flakes.
For mollies, The highest quality flakes available on the market should be used. Better quality will result in healthier fish and they will be less prone to disease and infection. Here is one that I recommend and personally use to feed my mollies: TetraPro Tropical Crisps Fish Food, Advanced Clear Water Formula. Not only does it contain only high quality ingredients, but it will also help keep your aquarium water clear.
The flakes are convenient to use to meet the nutritional needs of your mollies. In addition, they are also an excellent dietary supplement for live foods.
Homemade Foods For Mollies
You can try making fish food at home for feeding mollies in addition to the usual fish food. For mollies, homemade food is great because you can feed them high-quality food. Besides mollies, other fish such as plecostomus, bettas, cory catfish and goldfish can benefit. It is not difficult to make homemade fish food and all the ingredients can be found in your garden or in grocery stores.
Beef Heart Paste
It is a super fish food and ideal for adult mollies and Baby molly. Beef heart dough is very easy to make at home and you can make it in minutes. To prepare this superfood, all you need is a blender, beef heart and shrimp. Most people use gelatin to make the dough, but I like using shrimp because it gives a better consistency. For beef heart, be sure to remove all fat first. Then put the beef heart in the blender with the prawns and start the blender.
Mix all the ingredients until you get a thick pasty texture. After that, place it in a bag and freeze it. When you are ready to feed them, simply break off small pieces and feed them. Beef heart contains a high fat content. Therefore, you will want to feed mollies beef heart paste as snacks. You are allowed to feed the Baby molly as much as you want.
Egg Yolks
Egg yolks are another great homemade food for mollies. It's really easy to prepare and provides lots of nutrients for your mollies. Preparing this homemade fish food is simply boiling a hard-boiled egg first. Then, scoop out the yolk and mash it into a paste. Since it only takes a few minutes to make, you won't need to freeze it. When feeding the mollies, be sure to put in a small amount of paste each time. If you add too much at once, the mollies won't have enough time to eat it all and it could dirty the water. Like beef heart dough, you'll want to feed egg yolks to mollies as a snack. Egg yolks contain a high fat content and this could cause mollies to bloat.
Vegetable Paste
Vegetables are an excellent food for mollies as they provide them with balanced nutrition. Any vegetables will be suitable for feeding mollies. After gathering all the vegetables, put them all in a blender and blend until they turn into a paste. Take the dough and place it in a bag and freeze it. When you're ready to feed them, just break off small pieces at a time.
Another option for making vegetable paste is to dry them. After having blended all the vegetables in the blender, place the dough on parchment paper and bake it in the oven. Set the oven to about 250°F for about 10 minutes. Once cooked, let it dry on the table. Once dried, store it in an airtight container or sealed bag.
Amazing Fact You may not know! I learned a few days ago that mollies also have small teeth and can chew food.
What To Feed Baby Molly Fish ?
As for Baby molly, you can feed them anything that adult mollies eat. However, the food you give them will need to be very small. Baby Molly have smaller mouth openings, therefore you need to crush all the flakes into a powder.
Live foods are the best kind of food to give Baby molly in order for them to grow up healthy and robust. Live foods like shrimp, daphnia, brine and bloodworms. These foods contain a lot of nutrients that Baby molly need to thrive.
Live food is best for them, but sometimes pet stores don't have it due to the seasons. Foods that have been frozen or dried are substitutes for live foods. They are also great for feeding Baby molly. Before giving him frozen foods, thaw them first in a cup of water.
Feeding different types of food every day is great for their development. You can give them tropical pellets today and brine shrimp the next day. Not only will doing so benefit their growth, but it will also make it easier for them to become accustomed to food as adults.
To ensure the Baby molly get enough food each day, you will need to create a feeding schedule. Feed them about 6 times a day, about 3 hours apart between each meal. Also make sure there is no food left after each feed. If you want more fishes in your aquarium You should keep more Babies fish in a separate tank, and you should feed them properly because they need more food than adult mollies do.
What To Feed Sick Mollies?
If you have noticed that your mollies are sick, it will be difficult to feed them. Sick mollies will usually stay in one area of the tank and won't be interested in the food you give them. Mollies can survive more than a week without food. So if they're not eating anything right now, they should be fine. However, you should find a solution to help them get better as soon as you can.
One thing to watch is their surroundings. If you have just changed the water and the mollies are sick, try a water conditioner. After a day after the treatment, your mollies will start eating again. This water conditioner is what I recommend to help remove nitrates and quickly balance the pH level: Seachem Prime Fresh and Saltwater Conditioner.
Another factor to consider is diseases. Your fish could be infected with parasites. If you feed your mollies live food, it could be from this. To get rid of parasites, You can treat the fish with medicine. For mollies that are parasite-infected, I advise this. Mollies usually recover quickly from illness if you treat the problem quickly. During the recovery phase, give them freeze-dried food and vegetable tablets. This should help your fish recover quickly.
When Mollies Should Be Fed?
Mollies are active fish. They like to eat all the time. So there is no specific time to feed. Feed them whenever you want. Make sure you give them the right amount and the right quality food. Try to give them fresh food twice a day if possible.
If you are too busy, feeding once will be fine as they can compromise. It is also better to put plants in the aquarium because they can also eat them. In fact, they can usually eat enough food in 5 minutes.
How Long Can Mollies Survive Without Food?
As you know, fish can live without food for a few days or weeks, but this is not true in the case of aquatic pet fish. They must therefore be fed regularly. Because in home aquariums there are not many algae or aquatic plants to eat. However, it might be okay if you have an aquarium with live plants and decorations.
let me tell you, mollies can also eat their Babies, and some Babies end up surviving in the presence of their parents.
Mollies Food Expenses
They don't need a lot of budget to feed them. Because they are omnivorous but can also live on vegan foods. So here is a question how much should we spend on food?
The average cost to spend on food after buying them can be $15-20 for about 4-5 fish. Food items start from as low as $2 up to any maximum limit. Average groceries range from $2 to $19 depending on quantity and quality. If you're on a budget or want fresh homemade food for your mollies rather than processed food, you need to act on it. Even it is much better to do so. They like to eat healthy foods. Remember to follow some expert tips and procedures to feed them properly.
What Human Food Can Molly Fish Eat?
As mentioned earlier, mollies will accept just about any food you offer. But that doesn't mean they can (or should) eat anything you offer. There are human foods that mollies cannot eat. And there are some human foods that mollies shouldn't eat (even if they do eat that food).
Generally, molly fish can eat any vegetable or fruit available for human consumption. However, some picky mollies may reject certain foods you offer. Any sweet, sugary, carbohydrate-rich food is unhealthy for these fish. Mollies can eat the following human foods, but they shouldn't make up the majority of their diet:
- Vegetables.
- leafy vegetables.
- Fruits.
- Meat.
Can Mollies Fish Eat Carrots?
Yes. Mollies can eat carrots if boiled and skinned. You can cook the carrots in hot water for about 10 minutes, then cut them into small, pastille-sized pieces suitable for your mollies before serving. In fact, mollies like to eat carrots because of their sweet taste. But you need to make sure to feed the carrots only once in a while.
Can Mollies Fish Eat Cucumber?
Yes. Mollies can eat cucumber because it is very delicious for them. You can cut a piece of cucumber into small pieces just a little bigger than the size of their mouth before serving. You don't need to blanch or boil the cucumber because it is soft enough for your mollies to eat.
Can Mollies Eat Broccoli?
Broccoli is perfectly acceptable for mollies, As with most vegetables. You can chop or break your broccoli into small pieces before putting it in your aquarium. Be sure not to overcook your broccoli, as this can lead to water pollution and lower tank water quality.
Can You Feed Mollies Fish Green Beans?
Yes you can. But be sure to serve them green beans that are boiled until tender. Actually, green beans make a fantastic vegetable to feed your mollies. Due to the high fiber content of green beans, these vegetables are good for bloating issues. Green beans can therefore be fed to fish more frequently than other vegetables.
Can Mollies Fish Eat Cabbage?
Yes, although they avoid eating it. Mollies generally dislike sprouts because of their pungent smell. So don't anticipate that your mollies will consume the entire piece of cabbage you offer.
Can Mollies Fish Eat Lettuce?
Yes. Mollies can eat lettuce. However, make sure the lettuce is blanched and chopped before feeding them. Both iceberg lettuce and romaine lettuce are acceptable. You can serve them unbleached or blanched, but the latter works best for mollies. However, there aren't many nutrients they can get from lettuce. But the lettuce isn't bad either. So keep feedings around once a week.
Can Mollies Fish Eat Onions?
Although your fish may avoid onions due to their strong smell and taste, onions are just as good as garlic for your fish. They are nutritious. So you can give them onions more often (of course, if they eat it).
What Fruits Do Mollies Eat?
Generally, mollies can eat any fruit available for human consumption. However, some fish are picky about their food and may refuse to eat certain fruits even though they are edible to humans. The Following are some examples of human food for mollies:
- Apples.
- Oranges.
- Bananas.
- Mangoes.
Can Mollies Eat Apples?
Yes. Mollies can and do enjoy apples for their sweet taste. Apples are nutritious for mollies in small amounts, but they might not be a good staple due to their sugar content. So, give them apples from time to time.
Can Mollies Eat Oranges?
Yes, mollies can eat oranges as long as they are peeled and the seeds removed. You can feed your fish oranges as long as the flesh has been cut into small pieces before putting them in your tank. The citric acid in oranges is excellent for creating a barrier around parasites to protect your fish from infection. But oranges may not be suitable for bloating issues, so feed them in moderation.
Can Mollies Eat Bananas?
Bananas can be consumed by mollies as long as they are peeled. Bananas are nutritious for mollies, but you shouldn't feed them too often due to their sugar content.
Can I Feed My Molly Fish Pineapple?
Yes. It is safe to feed your pineapple mollies because it contains an enzyme that aids in their digestion. Plus, mollies will love the strong sweet taste of pineapples. As an occasional treat for your fish, use pineapple.
Can I Give Mango To My Molly Fish?
Mangoes are nutritious, fiber-rich foods that are good for your mollies. Your mollies will adore it and it will work fantastically as a treat. However, it is not suitable as a staple food due to its sugar content. But who would like to share a tasty ripe mango even with a family member anyway?
Can Molly Fish Eat Tomatoes?
Yes. Your mollies can consume raw tomatoes. Tomatoes are not very nutritious, but they will be a treat. You can feed your fish tomatoes once in a while, but too many tomatoes can be bad for your fish.
Can You Feed The Mollies Fish Strawberries?
Yes. You can safely feed your fish strawberries. They are nutritious, but not so nutrient dense. You can feed your fish raw strawberries or mix them with their regular food to give them more flavor. Additionally, you can feed your tops fish strawberries as a treat.
What Meats Do Mollies Eat?
Most meats available in the human diet are not suitable for your mollies due to their high fat content. It is therefore advisable not to use human meat food as molly food. However, small amounts of certain meat foods are fine for your fish.
Can Molly Fish Eat Boiled Chicken?
Boiled chicken as an occasional food is acceptable to promote nutrition. You can feed your chicken boiled mollies when you notice a drop in your feed. Chicken helps them regain their appetite, but it should only be used as an occasional treat because of the hormones and antibiotics the chickens receive while alive.
Can Molly Fish Eat Fried Chicken?
Fried chicken is not good for mollies because the flesh is tough from frying. Mollies can't eat hard foods, so don't feed your fish fried chicken.
Can Mollies Fish Eat Eggs?
Although you can feed your baby molly eggs, eggs are not suitable for your adult molly in large quantities. Eggs have a high fat content, so it's not healthy for your mollies. As a treat, though, it works best occasionally.
Can Mollies Eat Beef Heart?
Beef heart contains a high fat content, so it is not suitable as an ordinary food for mollies. Adult mollies don't need a high fat content in their regular diet, but Baby molly do. You can feed beef heart to your mollies Babies as a staple. However, you can give it to your adult mollies on occasion as a treat.
Common Questions About Mollies Food
Do Molly Fish Eat Ehocolate?
If you feed Mollies chocolate, they will eat it, but since chocolate contains sugar and cocoa, it is not advised for your fish. Moreover, it can be toxic for them.
Do Molly Fish Eat Bread?
Yes, but bread is not nutritious and can cause your fish to bloat. Feeding your bread mollies as an occasional treat is okay, though.
Can Mollies Eat Tropical Fish Food?
Yes. Tropical fish foods such as API Tropical Flakes can be used as a staple food as they contain all the nutrients mollies need. Instead of using tropical fish food as a snack or treat, you can feed your fish on a regular basis.
Can Molly Fish Eat Betta Food?
Betta fish are carnivorous fish that need a higher protein diet. Therefore, betta foods contain more percentage of protein according to the needs of the betta. Since mollies are omnivorous fish, they can eat betta food. Although, mollies can eat betta food, it is not recommended as a staple diet because it does not provide them with all the nutrition. However, betta food as an occasional treat or as emergency food is acceptable.
In Conclusion
Some of the most exquisite freshwater fish you can keep as pets are mollies. They are perfect for beginners because they require little care. Even though they are hardy little fish, you cannot simply feed them with any type of fish food you have on hand. You must feed your mollies the best food for mollies if you want to bring out their true beauty. If the way they appear now has you impressed, wait until you see them in about a month after consuming highly nutritious food.
Only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, are used by Nodisk One to substantiate the information in our articles.