Rainbow Lorikeets Diet: What Do Rainbow Lorikeets Eat?

 Rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus moluccanus) belong to the genus Trichoglossus within the true parrot family Psittacidae. They are some of the most colorful creatures on the planet and are aptly named due to their rainbow plumage, which contains the three primary colors (blue, green and red) and purple, yellow and de many other shades. We all know what rainbow lorikeets look like, but what do they eat?

Rainbow Lorikeets Diet: What Do Rainbow Lorikeets Eat?
Rainbow Lorikeets Diet: What Do Rainbow Lorikeets Eat?

 Rainbow lorikeets primarily eat pollen and nectar from flowering plants. About 87% of their diet consists of flowers, including eucalyptus, banksia, hibiscus, coconut palms, grevilleas and callistemon (brushes). Rainbow lorikeets also consume red fruits and berries as well as some insects and invertebrates.

 Nectar, which is extremely high in sugar and serves as a fantastic source of energy, is a sweet liquid used to entice pollinators like birds and insects. Pollen is secreted by male plants and is not the same as nectar - it has a much higher protein content. Rainbow lorikeets love pollen and nectar, but they also need fruit to thrive and be healthy.

 There is undoubtedly more to it - read on to find out more about the diet and eating habits of this fantastic bird!

This is an informative article. Nodisk One is not permitted to make a diagnosis or recommend any form of veterinary care. If your pet is in pain or ill, we recommend that you take him to the vet.

What do rainbow lorikeets eat in the wild?

 In the wild, Rainbow Lorikeets primarily eat nectar, pollen, and fruit, along with small amounts of invertebrates.

 Pollen is believed to be the mainstay of their diet as it is rich in protein and minerals. Nectar is high in sugars - great for energy - but cannot provide rainbow lorikeets with all the nutrients they need to survive.

Pollen and nectar

 In Australia, eucalyptus flowers provide a large percentage of the pollen that rainbow lorikeets need. In Melanesia, coconut palms are their main staple food for nectar and pollen. Coconut and eucalyptus flowers are large, easily accessible, and provide abundant nectar and pollen. In fact, you can even make honey with eucalyptus!

 Banksia, Hibiscus, coconut palms, Grevilleas and Callistemon (brushes) are all essential species for Rainbow Lorikeets. One study found that about 87% of a rainbow lorikeet's diet consists of nectar and pollen from plants and flowers.

The Rainbow Lorikeet Diet: Pollen vs. Nectar

 Pollen and nectar are often confused, but they are not the same. Pollen is usually secreted from the cone of the male flower and looks like a fine dust. Gametes, or male sex cells, are present in each piece.

 Rainbow lorikeets eat pollen because it is very nutritious and contains a high percentage of protein. Protein is essential to keep the beautiful plumage of rainbow lorikeets shiny and healthy.

 Nectar, on the other hand, is a sugar-like liquid that plants exude to entice pollinators. By secreting nectar, flowering plants entice insects and birds, including rainbow lorikeets, to visit them, spreading their pollen to other flowers.

 Nectar contains between 15% and 75% sugar and provides tremendous energy, which is part of why lorikeets are so lively!


 In addition to pollen and nectar, Rainbow Lorikeets are fruits such as papaya, figs, apples, grapes, pears, citrus, banana, and mango.

 Much of their diet consists of non-native species - rainbow lorikeets love to feed on gardens, farms, orchards and vineyards where non-native fruits and berries grow. They also scavenge fallen fruit (especially mangoes), although they prefer to take them fresh from the tree or bush.

Invertebrates and insects

 Rainbow lorikeets do not only eat plant foods, they also consume certain insects and invertebrates. The pupae of moths and butterflies are among their favorites, but rainbow lorikeets are frequently observed eating many invertebrates including flies, worms, larvae, beetles, spiders and grasshoppers.

What do rainbow lorikeets eat in captivity?

 Rainbow lorikeets should be fed a lorikeet-specific food. The Lorikeet food emulates real pollen and nectar and is essentially a mixture of sugars and nutrients.

 Additionally, it is recommended that lorikeets be given fruit two to three times a day; grapes, pears, raisins, pomegranate, and sultanas are all great choices. Frozen fruit provides a refreshing snack on particularly hot days.

 Citrus is also good in moderation, but most rainbow lorikeets prefer sweeter fruits over strong citrus. When it comes to vegetables, rainbow lorikeets also enjoy vegetables like carrots, pumpkins, and dark leafy greens.

 Additionally, bottlebrush, eucalyptus, grevillea, and banksia cuttings from their natural habitat should be provided to rainbow lorikeets as "native grazing." The more natural their diet, the better. Rainbow lorikeets will never be able to thrive on commercial foods alone.

What is a Rainbow Lorikeet's favorite food?

 There's no doubt that Rainbow Lorikeets have a sweet tooth! (or a nice beak, because they actually have no teeth at all!)

 Natural nectar and pollen are their favorites, so if you keep a rainbow lorikeet, be sure to provide it with native, pollen-rich flowering plants. They also like sweet fruits like apples, pears, grapes, melon, strawberries, mangoes, peaches and cherries.

What flowers do Rainbow Lorikeets eat?

 Observational studies have revealed that rainbow lorikeets eat pollen and nectar from more than 43 flowers. Some of the staple flowers eaten by rainbow lorikeets are eucalyptus, banksia, hibiscus, coconut palms, grevilleas, and callistemon (brushes).

 Other examples are Melaleuca (from the myrtle family), Angophora (shrub-like trees), Bauhinia (large flowering plants), Xanthorrhoea (herbs), Bombax (mallow family trees) and Verticordia (feathers) . Rainbow lorikeets are essential pollinators for many of these flowers, especially coconut palms.

How do Rainbow Lorikeets find food?

 Rainbow lorikeets feed on the canopy of trees and bushes as well as low shrubs. They are quite agile and will cling to small branches, spooning pollen and nectar from flowers with their specialized tongues. Rainbow lorikeet tongues have a brush-like tip called the papillary appendage, which allows them to efficiently collect vast volumes of nectar and pollen.

What do baby rainbow lorikeets eat?

 Baby rainbow lorikeets are fed fruits, nectar, and other soft, partially regurgitated foods. Like most parrots, rainbow lorikeets mate for life and both parents nurse the chicks. Parent feeding can be a messy affair, and sticky pollen often ends up covering the chicks' heads!

What do Rainbow Lorikeets eat in winter?

 Australia has very mild winters with little frosts. Rainbow lorikeets sometimes travel to warmer regions in the winter, usually heading north. Overall, their winter diet is not much different from their usual diet.

How to attract Rainbow Lorikeets?

 The most effective technique to attract Rainbow Lorikeets is to provide them a variety of local flowering plants.

 Some people try to entice them with bread soaked in honey, but honey does not provide the nutrients rainbow lorikeets need to thrive and can stunt their growth. Instead, feed them a varied selection of soft, sugary fruits and fresh, cool water.

What to feed Rainbow Lorikeets?

 Although it may be tempting to feed rainbow lorikeets honey, sugar water, or other high-sugar foods, commercial and artificially refined sugars are poorly digested.

 It is best to feed Rainbow Lorikeets fruit; apples, pears, grapes, melon, strawberries, mangoes, peaches and cherries and vegetables; lettuce, celery, pumpkin and other dark leafy greens.

 Food specifically designed for the rainbow lorikeet is also widely available. Honey is fine in small amounts but choose an organic or unrefined brand.

What not to feed Rainbow Lorikeets?

 Many birds, including rainbow lorikeets, are poisonous to foods including chocolate, coffee, and avocado. Many people feed semi-tame and wild rainbow lorikeets honey-soaked bread, but this leads to health problems and stunted growth in young lorikeets. Do not feed rainbow lorikeets refined honey or other commercial or artificial sugar products.

What do Rainbow Lorikeets drink?

 Rainbow lorikeets have high water needs, partly because Australia is often very hot, and partly because they need to dilute their high-sugar diet. They also enjoy bathing and cleaning their glorious feathers!

Providing enough fresh water will help support Rainbow Lorikeets and other birds.

Rainbow Lorikeet Diet FAQ

- What fruits do Rainbow Lorikeets eat?

 Rainbow lorikeets eat many species of fruit. Papaya, figs, apples, grapes, pears, citrus fruits, bananas and mangoes are all eaten regularly.

- What Vegetables Can Rainbow Lorikeets Eat?

 Rainbow lorikeets are flexible when it comes to vegetables and eat carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin, beans, spinach, sweet corn, broccoli and celery.

- Can Rainbow Lorikeets Eat Cucumbers?

Yes, frozen cucumber is great for rainbow lorikeets and also has a high water content.

- Do Rainbow Lorikeets eat meat?

 Rainbow lorikeets eat insects and invertebrates in nature, so yes, they do technically eat meat. However, invertebrate meat is only a tiny part of their diet. There have also been sightings of urban or semi-tame birds eating leftover meat and leftovers. Captive or domesticated rainbow lorikeets do not need to be fed meat, and it is not recommended.

- Do Rainbow Lorikeets Eat Seeds?

 Rainbow lorikeets may crack seeds for fun, but tend not to eat them. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to feed them with seeds.

- Can you feed Rainbow Lorikeets sunflower seeds?

 This is generally not recommended. In general, hard meals like seeds cannot be digested by rainbow lorikeets.

- Can Rainbow Lorikeets Eat Tomatoes?

 They can eat the sweet insides of tomatoes, but there are better fruits to feed Rainbow Lorikeets, such as grapes, apples, pears, mangoes, and raisins.

- Can Rainbow Lorikeets Eat Weetabix?

No, Rainbow Lorikeets do not need Weetabix or other cereals.

In Conclusion

Beautiful tropical birds called lorikeets make wonderful companions. Though they eat mostly soft things and rely significantly on nectar, they differ from other parrots in that manner. Because of this, feeding lorikeets can be difficult for amateur bird owners. However, you may give your lorikeet a balanced and satisfying diet by giving the right food, feeding at the right times, and giving it safe food.

Only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, are used by Nodisk One to substantiate the information in our articles.
