Pet guinea pigs are generally well-liked. In addition to being the ideal size for children, they also make wonderful pets because of their lovely fur patterns that appeal to people of all ages. Himalayan is the name of one of these fur patterns, and it refers to a guinea pig with a single color.
A Care Guide For A Special Breed: Himalayan Guinea Pig |
Himalayan guinea pigs are albino guinea pigs; they all have white fur and red eyes. The guinea pigs that make up this breed are not a different species from other guinea pigs. They are distinct, though, because of the black or brown fur that covers their face, ears, and feet. Due to their similar characteristic markings, called dots, many people refer to Himalayan guinea pigs as the Siamese cats of the guinea pig world.
Let's take a look at how to care for a Himalayan pig, how it might be different from other guinea pigs, and help you decide if it's the right pet for your family!
Species overview
- COMMON NAME: Himalayan Guinea Pig
- SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cavia porcellus
- ADULT SIZE: 7-8 inches long and 1.5–2.5 lbs.
- LIFESPAN: The average lifespan in captivity is 4 to 5 years, but it is not uncommon to have one that lives up to 8 years1. The longest-lived guinea pig has been recorded at 14, but that's very rare.
What is a Himalayan Guinea Pig?
While dogs and cats remain America's favorite pet breeds, small rodents, including guinea pigs, are a popular choice among many others. These pocket creatures are cute, pleasant, and relatively easy to care for.
There are several breeds of guinea pigs to choose from, with the American Guinea being the most common. Today, we are going to focus on a lesser-known variety: the Himalayan guinea pig.
The majority of guinea pig breeds are thought to be fairly similar. Now let's look at some of the variations that exist in the Himalayan breed.
Where does the Himalayan guinea pig come from?
You might assume that the Himalayan guinea pig is a Southeast Asian species based on its name. In actuality, history suggests that they originated in South America, like other breeds of guinea pigs.
The Himalayan's name comes from its distinctive coloring and markings, which resemble those of a Himalayan cat. For the same reason, they are also frequently referred to as "the Siamese cat of guinea pigs."
Himalayan fluffy guinea pigs are actually classified as an albino, although they have colored markings (called "spots"), usually on their noses, ears, and feet. They have a lifespan of 5 to 7 years and generally make good social pets.
The appearance of the Himalayan Guinea Pig
Himalayan guinea pigs have short to medium-length hair. They are relatively easy to groom compared to their long-haired counterparts, such as the Peruvian guinea pig.
The coloring of the Himalayan coat actually changes depending on the climate in which it resides. Typically, colder weather causes their spots to grow and darken, while warmer weather causes discoloration.
It's a normal part of Himalayan biology. However, you should always take steps to keep your pet in a room with a constant, moderate temperature. Also, avoid exposing your guinea fowl to direct sunlight.
Himalayan Guinea Pig Size
Himalayan stuffed guinea pigs are medium in size, usually ranging from 8 to 12 inches when fully grown. They have short, thick bodies with broad shoulders.
Himalayan Guinea Pig Colors
Although they are thought of as an albino breed, they do develop color pigment in some places. Himalayans have distinctive red-tinted eyes and are born completely white. As they expand, colored "points" will form on them.
These points usually appear on the ears, nose, and feet. It may take several weeks to several months before the stitches begin to grow. The "points" are usually black, although brown/chocolate tones are also possible.
Himalayan Guinea Pig Temperament
They are mostly hardy and friendly animals. When handled properly, they enjoy spending time with their owners. They are generally good with children but can be easily scared.
Himalayan guineas generally get along well with other guinea pigs, but there is always a risk of them becoming territorial.
If you want multiple pets, it's best to buy guineas in pairs, rather than introducing a second guinea later.
Do Himalayan guinea pigs bite?
The majority of the time, guinea pigs do not bite very hard. They might, out of curiosity, decide to nibble on the person holding them. But they hardly ever display aggression. However, it's always a good idea to take precautions to prevent your pet from being unnecessarily scared.
If children are handling the guinea pig, make sure an adult is present and can supervise to ensure careful and gentle treatment.
Taming Himalayan Guinea Pigs
Himalayans, like other guinea pig breeds, can be a little nervous when getting to know you for the first time, or in new and unfamiliar surroundings or circumstances.
Talk to your new pet in a low, soothing voice if he appears distant or upset. Prior to attempting to pick them up, let them become accustomed to their surroundings. Additionally, it's best to avoid quick movements and loud noises.
It may take a little while for your new pet to get used to you and come into your hand to be held and cuddled. A good way to help the process is to make sure your pet associates your presence with good things, like food.
Try hand-feeding your new guinea pig, and it will create a direct link between you and a reward. It may take a little perseverance, but it will pay off!
Himalayan Guinea Pig Health
As long as they are properly cared for, Himalayan guinea pigs are typically healthy creatures. It is advised that you handle your guinea pig each day to check for any potential health problems. The health of guinea pigs can rapidly decline if a problem is not resolved because they do not handle stress well.
It's a good idea to find a veterinarian in your area who is familiar with treating guinea pigs. Establish yourself with them early on so that if something comes up, you can get in immediately. However, they are still prone to a lot of the same health issues as guinea pigs, such as the ones listed below:
Respiratory infections
Most guinea pig breeds are susceptible to pneumonia and other respiratory infections, which are thought to be the most prevalent health issue in guinea pigs. Because environmental stress can raise the risk of infection, proper care is crucial.
Guinea pigs have sensitive alimentary passages and are therefore prone to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues.
Be sure to feed your pet a balanced, healthy diet suitable for guineas to reduce the risk of complications.
Vitamin C deficiency
Guinea pigs need a lot of vitamin C in their diet (between 10 and 50 mg per day).
You should give your guinea fowl fresh fruits and vegetables daily, as well as pellets or foods fortified with vitamin C.
Your Himalayan guinea pigs may have a vitamin C deficiency if you experience diarrhea, swollen feet or joints, a rough coat, or lack of appetite.
Urinary problems
Guinea pigs tend to be prone to urinary stones (gallstones) and bladder infections. While both sexes of Himalayan guinea pigs commonly experience stones, females are more susceptible to infection. Anorexia, difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, and a hunched posture are all indications that guinea pigs may have urinary issues.
Skin problems
Guinea pigs frequently develop ringworm and other fungal skin infections, particularly young guinea pigs. Symptoms include:
- Swelling.
- Hair loss.
- Redness.
- Itchy skin.
Other issues
Infection-related abscesses, tumors, parasites, and barbering can also affect guinea pigs (when the guinea fowl chews its own hair).
In addition to these problems common to all types of guinea pigs, Himalayan guinea pigs are particularly susceptible to problems related to climate change. They work best in moderate, stable temperatures and should not be exposed to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.
It is advised that you take your Guinea pig to the veterinarian for a routine checkup once a year. Between checkups, if you notice any unsettling health problems, get immediate veterinary care.
Himalayan Guinea Pig Lifespan
Himalayan guinea pigs have an average lifespan of 5-7 years when cared for properly.
They are generally healthy creatures, although they are susceptible to health issues that commonly plague most guinea pig breeds.
Do Himalayan guinea pigs smell?
Guinea pigs may have a reputation for being pets, but it's usually more about the conditions they live in than the animals themselves.
Guinea pigs need good care, good food, and regular changing bedding to avoid developing an unpleasant odor.
Himalayan Guinea Pig Care
Grooming and caring for your pet on a regular basis will improve both their general health and well-being as well as their odor problems. To keep everything in order, you can stick to this suggested schedule.
Daily – provide fresh vegetables and herbs.
Daily - provide fresh, clean water and clean the cage.
Weekly - clean the cage, and Add new bedding.
Weekly – lightly brush the fur.
Every 8 to 10 weeks – cut nails.
Every 3 to 12 months – bath.
You can also opt for odor-proof bedding to prevent any potential problems.
Keeping Himalayan Guinea Pigs Together
Guinea pigs in general can be a bit territorial. If you want to have more than one, it is recommended to buy a pair from the start.
It can be challenging and stressful for everyone involved to introduce another guinea pig, whether it is a Himalayan or a different breed.
If you want multiple guinea pigs, make sure you have a cage that gives them plenty of room.
Caring for a Baby Himalayan Guinea Pig
Baby Himalayan guinea pigs average 3 to 5 inches at birth. They will suckle for three to six weeks, but can start solid food from a surprisingly early age, even after the first 24 hours!
You will want to keep babies with their mothers until they are about three weeks old. Then it's time to separate the males from the females, or you could end up with even more babies almost immediately!
If you find a local Himalayan guinea pig breeder in your area to purchase a baby, be sure to ask about their breeding experience, the health of the pig's parents, and whether the breeder has done any health tests. about animals.
Many of the health problems that can affect guinea pigs in the future are unpredictable. Finding a trustworthy breeder is crucial because the health of the animal depends on proper care during the breeding process.
Pros and Cons of Keeping a Himalayan Guinea Pig as a Pet
Although they are not the kind of pets you walk, guinea pigs are social and interactive. Additionally, they live longer than the majority of hamsters do, but not as long as a dog or cat. Although they are relatively simple to look after, they still need a routine cleaning, fresh food preparation, and attention. They make noise, making them neither as quiet nor as loud as a rabbit or a bird.
Is a Himalayan guinea pig right for me?
Pet Himalayan guinea pigs are amazing pets. They are sociable, friendly, and relatively simple to take care of thanks to their short hair.
That said, we wouldn't recommend a Himalayan to anyone who lives in a very hot or very cold climate. This breed is very sensitive to weather changes and does not react well to extreme temperatures.
Also, Himalayans do better indoors. If you intend to keep your pets outdoors (which generally isn't recommended), it's best to avoid the Himalayan breed.
This Must Be Read Before Purchasing Any Guinea Pig
Before buying a guinea pig, keep in your mind two things:
1. Do not purchase Guinea Pigs from Big Pet Stores
We'll talk about this whenever we can. Profits come before guinea pig happiness at large pet retailers. They purchase their cavies from breeders who treat them more like commodities than as living, breathing beings in need of love and affection.
2. Investigate Your Breeder
Even though local breeders are frequently the best choice, it is ALWAYS worthwhile to investigate their background. Ask for information about:
- Their knowledge of breeding.
- Their guinea pigs' living quarters (size and cleanliness).
- Anything else that concerns you.
It can be tempting to purchase the first cuddly pig you come across. But kindly refrain from supporting cruel or ineffective breeding techniques. It makes us very sad.
Concluding Words
There is a rare breed of guinea pig called the Himalayan Guinea Pig, and many people find them attractive because of their white fur and other distinctive features. Since they have white fur, they stand out as a breed and make good pets.
In comparison to breeds with long coats, they require far less maintenance because they have short hair. They are therefore ideal for households with children or those who are guinea pig beginners.