Picking Up a Guinea Pig: The Correct Way to Pick Up and Hold A Guinea Pig

 Guinea pigs are actually rather sensitive, despite the fact that they seem to be fairly sturdy. You will need to pick up your guinea pigs delicately due to their fragility and demonstrate this to friends and family. We've put together a step-by-step guide on how to pick up and handle your pets because it's not as tough as it might seem and to make it simpler for you.

Picking Up a Guinea Pig: The Correct Way to Pick Up and Hold A Guinea Pig
Picking Up a Guinea Pig: The Correct Way to Pick Up and Hold A Guinea Pig

 It's crucial to note before we get started that young children should always sit on the floor when handling guinea pigs because they frequently jump out of hands and laps and can sustain serious injuries from a fall.

Is it acceptable to pick up guinea pigs?

 You must pick up your pet pig in addition to being acceptable to do so. This is so because cavies are highly social animals who enjoy being around other pigs and people. 

 However, you should learn how to pick up and handle your pig before simply grabbing it for a cuddle. By doing this, you can avoid getting hurt (you both), maintain your pig's composure, and it will also keep him calm in the future.

Advantages of picking up and handling your guinea pig

 For both you and your adorable little cavy, learning the proper way to pick up and handle your guinea pig has many advantages. Among them are:

  • Creating that crucial connection with your pet.
  • Making visits to the veterinarian and grooming sessions easier.
  • Avoiding serious illnesses by keeping your cavy from feeling lonely and depressed.
  • Supplying your pig with the exercise and mental challenge it requires to stay healthy.

When you try to pick up a guinea pig, why do they run?

 The first step in picking up and handling your pet properly is to comprehend why they run when you try to pick them up. You see, guinea pigs have more than their fair share of predators in the wild, including owls, hawks, cats, snakes, and even humans.

 Your guinea pig might seem a little shy when you first get it, as you'll soon discover. Since guinea pigs are prey animals, they are programmed to run and hide when coming face to face with danger, which is why when you try to pick them up, they make a break for it.

 Working on taming your new pet is one of your first things to do. With time and as you develop a relationship with your piggies, they will be less likely to run. However, since it is a fundamental aspect of who they are and what they do, you shouldn't take it personally. With time and as you develop a relationship with your piggies, they will be less likely to run.

The Correct Way To Approach Your Guinea Pig

 If you are a new piggy parent or have just welcomed a new member into your furry family, you will need to approach it somewhat differently than one who is already accustomed to you.

How to approach guinea pigs?

Make sure you get on the ground

 Most predators are much bigger than guinea pigs if you think about it, so it's best to approach them at their level. They will feel less intimidated and will be more likely to come to you.

Slowly place your hand in the hutch

 Because sudden movements will cause your guinea pig to run away, we suggest using slow, gentle movements when putting your hand in the hutch or running.

Watch where you place your hand

 Avoid getting too close to your piggies with your hand. They will approach you to check you out because they are innately curious. They won't feel threatened or uneasy around you once they get used to your scent.

Talk to your guinea pigs

 Talking to your guinea pigs will also help in the bonding process. As they get used to your voice and learn to recognize it, they will feel more comfortable around you.

Be patient

 Remember to be patient, especially if it's a rescue. It will take time for your guinea pig to settle in and become familiar with its new home. If you rush the process, your pet will feel skittish and nervous around you.

How not to approach guinea pigs?

Avoid approaching your guinea pigs from behind

 Never approach your pet from behind. It can literally scare him. Do not allow young children to push your guinea pigs through the cage, or reach and grab them.

Don't rush on your guinea pigs

 Remember we said it's best to get level with your guinea pig when you pick it up? Indeed, in the wild, many of a cavy's predators will swoop down and grab it. If your pig feels attacked, it will run and hide.

Don't be too loud

 Loud noises are frightening to guinea pigs, so always speak to them in a calm, soft voice. Don't yell and yell around them.

How can a guinea pig be picked up and carried?

 I'll start by saying that you should always handle your pig with care before I explain how to retrieve it. Guinea pigs are not toys, despite how adorable and cuddly they are, and being too rough with them can result in serious harm and, in some cases, even death.

Properly pick up guinea pigs

Once you get used to it, picking up and transporting guinea pigs is quite simple. Here's how:

1st Step

Start by placing one hand around the chest or, if you prefer, below.

2nd step

With your other hand, support its back legs.

3rd Step

Keep your cavy's feet facing the ground so it doesn't injure its spine.

4th Step

 Always keep your pig close to the ground. If he squirms or jumps out of your hands, he's less likely to get seriously injured.

5ve Step

 When transporting guinea pigs, you should keep them close to your chest. They feel safe that way, and you're less likely to let them down.

How to put your guinea pig back in its cage?

 That's such a good question. Some pig parents simply lower their pets to the ground and then drop them out of their hands. While this may seem like the best approach, your guinea pig needs to understand that playtime is over and you're putting him back in his crate, rather than thinking he's escaped. Let's see how to put your guinea pigs back in their hutch or enclosure.

1st Step

 Don't let your cavy wiggle or wiggle out of your hands. Make sure you have it in your hand when lowering it to the ground.

2nd step

 If your pig likes to lunge at it, we suggest lowering it into the cage, bottom first. This will reduce the chances of sprinting and prevent injury.

3rd Step

 Although this step may not be necessary, it is useful if you have a sweater in your hands or if you and your pig are still getting used to each other. Guinea pigs are particularly at risk of injury when they try to jump out of your hands.

 If this worries you, you can try putting it in the cage upside down. Indeed, if he does not see where he is going, he will be less inclined to jump.


Can you handle a pregnant guinea pig?

 Although guinea pigs love to be held and cuddled, we recommend giving a pregnant pig only when absolutely necessary. This is especially important a month before their baby is born.

 Also, don't try to pick them up too soon after giving birth. In addition to wanting to be with their babies, they will also likely feel sore and uncomfortable.

How frequently should your guinea pig be picked up?

 You must pick up your guinea pigs at least once per day in order for them to thrive and be content. Guinea pigs benefit greatly from cuddle time because it makes them feel more at ease. You can also use it to look for any health problems.

 But, while pigs love spending one-on-one time with you, they also don't like being handled for too long. We suggest holding your pet for a maximum of 15-20 minutes. Of course, if your guinea pig is still getting used to you, you might only get about 10 minutes of cuddling before he lets you know he's had enough.

How can you tell if your guinea pig no longer desires to be held?

 It's an easy question to answer. As soon as your guinea pig gets tired of being held back, he'll let you know. Fighting, licking his hands, and nibbling softly are clear signs that he needs a bathroom break or wants to be put down. If you ignore these signs, your pig may nip a little harder to get his point across.

It gets simpler to comprehend your pig's noises and behavior the more time you spend with it.

How soon can you get a baby guinea pig back?

 As tempting as it may be to hold a baby guinea pig, we suggest you don't handle it for at least a week after it's born.

 The most crucial thing to keep in mind when picking up and handling new guinea pigs is to be patient and gentle. Your pet needs you to be patient, consistent, and gentle as it adjusts to you and its new surroundings.
